
Dipped Everythings For Your Holiday Celebrations

Years ago, when I worked as the manager of a law firm, the holidays meant one thing:


The baskets arrived every day from Thanksgiving on: dried fruit, specialty coffees, fancy cheeses, and chocolate-covered everything, with little cards tucked inside (“Thanks for a great year!”) from clients.

When I started my own business a couple of years later and started sending out holiday presents to associates of my own – including a food-type gift to each office with which I worked – I sifted through my memories of those Christmas baskets, trying to remember what everyone had liked best…and the answer was obvious:

The chocolate-dipped stuff.

I’ve been ordering from Shari’s Berries

Yup yup yup: these things are THE BEST.

cake truffles

sharis berries pretzels

sharis berries strawberries

My top picks for your holiday gifting purposes:

  1. The Cake Truffles, in flavors including Almond Joyous and Salted Caramel, which come in an adorable container with hidden messages for the recipient;
  2. The caramel-dipped, chocolate-covered Christmas Pretzel Rods (especially those tree ones; so fun), which also can be used to add height and color (and deliciousness) to a holiday tablescape;
  3. The Christmas Dipped Strawberries, which I consumed in truly astounding quantities yesterday afternoon (well, we didn’t want them to go bad, did we?);
  4. The Snowman Brownie Pops, because aww.

brownie pops

These guys are like friendly Christmastime mascots, and should probably be invited to every holiday celebration.

sharis berries chocolate

This post was created in collaboration with Shari’s Berries. 

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