
Springy Fresh (…And Laundry Tips I Promise You Don’t Already Know)

Having a washing machine about twenty feet away from me at all times has got to be one of my absolute favorite things about living in a house. In our old apartment, whenever an “incident” arose with one of the many small creatures who live with us (I’ll leave the specifics to your imagination), it required the lugging of very heavy bags to a local laundromat, where I was then forced to sit for hours, all the while hoping that my laundry didn’t end up getting chewed up and spat out by a machine-gone-rogue.

On set with Snuggle and the Small family in New Jersey

When we have an incident nowadays? Oh my goodness, so much easier to deal with. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about our tough night that involved the ferrying of many, many loads of laundry up and down the stairs. It was the night just before I shot one of the segments on laundry tips and tricks for Snuggle’s “Smell The Snifference” six-part series on The Better Show (so, as an aside, if I look slightly exhausted during one or two of the segments…that would be why), and in a very fortuitous coincidence I had just received a couple of packages of Snuggle’s newest product – their Snuggle Scent Boosters – the day before to try out for myself.

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Previewing a segment at the Snuggle Scent Boosters press event

I’ve written a lot about how much I care about surrounding myself with lovely-smelling things…and let me tell you: this product feeds directly into my obsession. I am obsessed. I think you will be, too.

What Snuggle Scent Boosters are: little pacs of freshness that you just toss into the wash before adding your detergent and laundry as you usually do. They’re honestly the easiest things to use ever…and when your sheets and towels and blankets are all washed and dried you will want to put your face directly into them and never remove it; they will smell that good (and the scent lasts for weeks). They come in two scents, Lavender Joy and Blue Iris Bliss, and work in all machines and on all types of clothing, not just sheets and towels and such.

P.S. I used them on Kendrick’s shirts and totally forgot that I did, and then went to give him a hug and did a kind of full-body, dramatic double take…because he smelled incredible and very not-Kendrick-like (not that he doesn’t usually smell good, but he certainly doesn’t usually smell like flowers and sunshine). My reaction was so extreme that he asked me whether I had a hidden camera somewhere. I did not, but given our history I don’t blame him for wondering.

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P.P.S. I met the Snuggle Bear. This was obviously a major Life Highlight.

One of the mini tips we shot in addition to the larger, six-part Better series (I really like this idea and think you will, too)

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–       When you’re doing your spring cleaning, don’t forget to throw in your pillows, as well – they’re often overlooked, but make a huge difference in how fresh your home feels.

–       Try adding some personality to your laundry room to transform it from a blah space into a pretty one (check out ours here; it’s a work in progress, but I like the mint walls and the shelving). Try calming colors like blue and green, and chic, simple patterns like chevron.

–       Try mounting your ironing board inside a cabinet to keep it out of the way, yet easily accessible.

–       Between wash cycles, leave the drum open to let the machine completely air out and to prevent mildew buildup.

–       You know that lint builds up in your dryer catch, but don’t forget to also vacuum out the hose every six months or so.

On Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 11), check your local newspapers for a coupon for $1 off of any Snuggle Scent Booster. Check your local listings to view “Smell the Snifference” every Tuesday and Thursday through May 22. This post was created in collaboration with Snuggle. 

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