Christmassy Weekend (With Lions)

I love the tradition of picking up a new ornament every Christmas to commemorate the year that just passed. Last year, we went for…a VW bus. For no especially good reason other than that we liked it. So on Sunday’s trip to Nyack we thought we’d get a few that really spoke to these past few months.

christmas ornament

For Kendrick, a studious owl…

pencil ornament

For me, a pencil (we were looking for a book, but they didn’t have one; this works).

lion ornament

And for Indy, a spirit animal that after a single afternoon being obsessed over by our son already has the vaguely disheveled look of the decorations that go in the “Special Ornaments” (as opposed to “Mom’s Ornaments”) box.

nyack christmas

Taking a two-year-old to a Christmas shop is an exercise in living dangerously. “Here are twenty thousand pretty, sparkly, exciting things. Do not touch any of them.” (We kept it speedy.)

chocolate cheese muffin

Last stop: the (really excellent) Art Cafe for chocolate cheese muffins and chicory coffee.

In this video: lots and lots of Christmas-related energy. And lions.

P.S. Go to Nyack! It’s so cute. (Click here for what-to-do recommendations.)

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