
Peppercorn On Pearl Street: Favorite Finds

This kitchen/housewares/general cool stuff store was recommended to me by nearly every person who found out I was traveling to Boulder.

That makes sense, because it was basically Me Mecca.

Some favorite finds:

I’m not usually a rustic-Italian-countryside kinda girl (when it comes to my tableware, at least)…but these are irresistible.

A little birdie told me that these ten-dollar knives are super-sharp and amazing.

It’s nice to have wine glasses that are intricate, colorful, fancy, et cetera…but sometimes you just want a simple (and simply perfect) design.

These vases are inexpensive (about $30 for the small, which is pretty large itself) and exactly the color I’m hoping to add to our living room.

I was about three seconds away from walking out the door with this plate (to put on our coffee table) before Katie reminded me that I live with a toddler. And I still thought seriously about buying it; it’s just that pretty.

All pieces not linked to above can be ordered by calling 303.449.5847.

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