
All Around Town: Fashion Week, Day 1

Well, yesterday was busy.

I started the day with approximately two hours on the freeway. As it turns out, commuting into the city every morning is quite the mistake and the time-waster, which is why I am writing these words from my childhood bedroom at my parents’ apartment, where I spent the night.

First stop: the Nine West store in Rockefeller Center, to check out their Runway Relief collection and geek out over meeting Nigel Barker. (Seriously, I was a huge nerd and got so nervous when I was brought over to him for a photo that I immediately interrupted his conversation by sticking my hand out and saying: “Nigel! Jordan Reid”…like a huge nerd. He was very nice.)

I also did something called a “Shoe Confession” for Channel 9 while driving around town in a Fiat.

Our next stop was Lincoln Center, where I shot a what-I’m-wearing video for Timex (coming up!)…

…and then it was off to Men Kui Tei, my favorite midtown ramen place, for a little hoovering-of-noodles.

I wanted to fix up a bit before Fashion’s Night Out, so I stopped into John Sahag Workshop to see Karmela and get some major bangs (much thicker and more ’70s-ish than I’ve ever had before; I was waiting for the summer humidity to go away before re-cutting them but apparently didn’t wait quiiiite long enough…because this week, so far, has basically felt like swimming in a bath from sunup to sundown).

Above, Karmela is pictured with her client, APM model Nicole, who has the haircut that I wish I could pull off but totally couldn’t. Isn’t it great?

And then I ended the evening at Macy’s, walking runways and feeling fancy (more on this later).

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