
Parentdish Article On Bloggers & Birth Stories

Interesting article over on Parentdish today by journalist Diane Shipley about bloggers who post about their pregnancies, including a couple of quotes from yours truly about my feelings on blogging about baby.

Said “blogging about baby,” incidentally, continues to be a subject that Kendrick and I mull over on a constant basis: what are we comfortable with, what will our son one day be comfortable with…how can any of us possibly know, as Diane writes, the effects of a “digital legacy” that’s established for a child before he or she is even old enough to focus on objects, let alone read and write? This is a majorly controversial topic, and something that every parent – not just the ones with blogs – has to consider: if you have a Facebook account or a Twitter and you chat about your child or put up his photo, you’re creating an online identity for him to some extent. Not that I believe that this is necessarily a bad thing in most cases – it can even be a very positive experience, as I’ve found writing about motherhood to be…but it’s certainly something to be aware of. Something to think about.

For me, this is such a complex issue that I ultimately decided that what felt right to me was to do what I’ve done here all along, which is to follow my instincts, both as a blogger who believes in the enormous value of storytelling, and as a mother. Sharing is important and not something I shy away from, but family is above it all.

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