
Baby Space-Savers

One of the major things I worried about while pregnant was the whole space problem that comes hand-in-hand with city living. Would a swing fit in our apartment? Where would we store all the baby stuff when it wasn’t in use? And, of course, that stroller issue: what kind of stroller would be wallet-friendly, practical, and possible for me to cart up and down four flights of stair?

Below, four products that I’ve found to be absolutely essential…and perfect for a small space like ours.

Fisher Price Luv U Zoo Spacesaver Swing ($74.99): We were all ready to get that Little Lamb swing that everyone and their mother recommends…but then we took a look at the dimensions. And broke out the tape measurer. And…nope. Wasn’t happening; not in our apartment. So we went with the Spacesaver swing, and it’s awesome. This particular one is super-small (so it tucks neatly into a corner when not in use and doesn’t take up the entire floor space when it’s out), portable (there are little handles on the sides), and both swings and vibrates (unusual for a seat this size).

One note: the seat is extremely deep, so for very little babies you may want to tuck a blanket into the bottom so they’re not too folded-up.

Baby Delight Snuggle Nest ($49.99): We don’t really have room for a bassinet in our bedroom, and besides…those things can be expensive. So we went with the Snuggle Nest, which goes right on the bed in between you. It’s cozy, has a tiny nightlight and a white noise button, and makes nighttime feedings immeasurably easier: you just pull the baby right over to you when it’s time for a snack, no need to even get up.

Skip Hop Funky Farmyard Activity Mat ($64.99): This floor activity mat is so cute and is extremely well-made (especially considering the price), with tons of fun little extra playthings hidden all over it, but I initially worried about where we’d put it when it wasn’t in use. As it turns out, even fully assembled the activity mat folds neatly in half, and can easily be tucked away behind a dresser or door.

Snap ‘n’ Go Stroller ($59.99): We ultimately decided that a car seat (the Graco Snugride 35) plus Snap ‘n’ Go was the least expensive and most practical option. Even in NYC, you need a car seat anyway (to get the baby home from the hospital), and for the first three months it makes a perfect transport system for infants, who prefer to be all snuggled up. The Snap ‘n’ Go may be sorta ugly…but it’s cheap, easy to use, and relatively light. It’s not fun to get it up and down the stairs…but it’s possible. And at three months, which is when the baby can move into a regular stroller, we’re going for the Maclaren Quest (well-priced and very lightweight).

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