
Single-Serve Coffeemakers / Question For You

Since I’m a recent convert to the world of absolutely requiring a cup of coffee immediately upon waking, I’m not particularly knowledgeable about coffeemakers. I have an old Mr. Coffee that works fine, I guess…but when I was in Canada, I discovered that every single one of my relatives had a Keurig Single-Serve Coffee Maker in their houses, and now I’m won over.

My question for you: the one pictured at left is $48…but is there really a meaningful difference between this model and the pricier versions? I see that there are variations in color, programmable features, etc…but are there any variations in stuff that actually matters, if all you want is to be able to wake up and drink a cup of really good coffee?

And while we’re at it, I’m not wedded to Keurig…it just seems to be the one that everyone I know has. Are there any other single-serve coffee makers that you think are even better?

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