
I Totally Meant To Make This Salad, So I’ll Write About It Anyway

Sunday night, Liz invited Kendrick and me to a potluck dinner (above, I’m with Wendy and Jenny). I totally meant to make Jamie Oliver’s Spinach, Feta Cheese & Fresh Pea salad (substituting goat cheese for the feta), and carted all the ingredients over with me (the salad is way, way better made fresh, and takes about thirty seconds to throw together)…and then sort of got distracted, and ended up not making it. There was a ton of food out already, and I ran into some buddies of mine whom I hadn’t seen in ages, and…well, best-laid plans, etc (and fortunately, we had also brought vino, so no harm, no foul). Anyway, I’m planning on making it tonight.

In case you, too, want to make it tonight, here’s my interpretation of the recipe. It is fantastically light and delicious (again, I use goat cheese, but if feta’s more to your taste, just sub it in).


In a large bowl, combine a few large handfuls of clean spinach and a cup and a half or so of fresh peas (I buy steam-in-the-bag, ’cause that’s easier and the Food Emporium near me has questionable produce, but if you can get to a farmstand or halfway decent grocery store, fresh young peas really do make all the difference; just blanch them in boiling water). Crumble over some goat cheese, and then toss everything together with a few glugs of olive oil, the juice from one lemon (or to taste), sea salt, and fresh ground pepper. Make a lot – as I said, the salad is very light and delicious, so you’ll end up eating a ton of it.

Lower image via EnlightenedCooking.

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