
Body Makeup / Hand Rehab

Since much of today’s four shoots focused on close-ups of my hands, resident beauty & wardrobe guru Mary-Kate whipped out the body makeup to conceal my many kitchen mishaps.



After (take special note of ring finger):

If you’re ever in need of a little spackle for photo/film purposes, here’s how to make your hands look as camera-ready as possible in a pinch:

1. Apply a moisturizing oil to cuticles and allow to absorb; wipe away excess with a clean cotton round.

2. File nails to uniform length.

3. Gently remove any hangy things with manicure scissors, taking extreme care not to tear the skin (you want the skin around your nails to look neat, but certainly don’t want to end up with little nicks all over your fingers). Push the rest of your cuticles back with a cotton-tipped orange stick.

4. Apply a clear base coat, and then top with one coat of a sheer pink polish (we chose OPI’s Bubble Bath).

5. If you have spots that need covering, use a small brush to apply a thick, creamy base wherever needed. Finish with a large round brushed dipped in pressed powder (we used MAC Studio Fix, which I also use to set my face makeup).

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