
I know this is my second post in as many days about hydration, but it’s been a major concern of mine lately. I feel like I am thirsty all the time, and since I really do drink a lot of fluids, I’m starting to think that maybe the problem may lie with what I’m drinking (no, not vodka infusions exclusively…c’mon, now). 

I drink club soda more than anything else, but my friend Paige recently told me that club soda isn’t hydrating. I told her she was crazy.

BUT, I’m clearly doing something wrong when it comes to hydration, so I decided to do a little research on club soda. Turns out that Paige was kinda right: club soda has salt added, so it’s not actually the best choice – if you prefer carbonated drinks, as I do, seltzer is preferable. Mystery: solved. 

Yet more info about how to stay optimally hydrated can be found here

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