
Cucumber Water

I wish I was the kind of person who had beautiful jugs filled with ice water and cucumber slices laying around at all times. I’m not, alas, but I do think this is a really lovely idea to use when you have guests over. They always have cucumber water, or orange water, or other water-flavor-variations at spas, and I am always (and by “always” I mean the three times I’ve been to spas) struck by how the addition of something so simple can make such a difference.

Another idea: fill a mister (you can buy an inexpensive one at any drugstore) with water and slices of cucumber (lavender sprigs or a couple of drops of rose oil would also be nice); refrigerate and spray on your face to cool off on a hot day. Cucumber has the added benefits of soothing and softening skin (remember how your mom always told you to put cucumber on your eyes when they were puffy? She was actually referencing the fact that cucumber has a mild diuretic property due to its high water content. Thanks, mom!).

Photo source: marthastewart.com

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