Posts Tagged: Christmas


It’s almost Christmas. I can’t help it.

If you haven’t seen this video of Christian the lion reuniting with the two men who raised him and later set him free in Africa, you must watch it (tissues at the ready).


Heading over to Mom & Dad’s place to wrap presents with Dad (our annual tradition, mostly because it’s pretty laughable how terrible we both are at wrapping). 

(Yeah, I bought another Gap hat…they’re presently on sale for $11, and there was only one left in the store, and I couldn’t help it. It’s the same one that Julia’s wearing in this video.)


Last night, Kendrick, Dad and I went to Dance Chelsea to watch my mom’s dance performance at their annual Christmas party. The people at Dance Chelsea are fabulous - I’ve taken a few swing and salsa lessons there over the years, and Kendrick and I have taken a couple of classes together. Unbeknownst to him (well, I guess not anymore), I’m planning on signing us up for some more lessons in 2010.


If you’re planning on scurrying about the city doing some last-minute shopping this weekend (can you believe Christmas is next week?!), try hitting up some of the gorgeous holiday markets that are dotted all over NYC. 

Holiday Market at Union Square: My personal favorite, and the place I run to every year for hand-carved wine bottle holders, delicate jewelry, and tons of options for kids.

Holiday Shops at Bryant Park: More than 100 vendors from around the world…and free ice skating! 

Grand Central Holiday Fair: Baby, it’s cold outside…but lucky for you, you can stay toasty-warm at this shopping destination in Vanderbilt Hall.


While we Christmas Caesars practiced for the Dreidel-Spinning Competition (Activity #3), we sipped on decadent hot chocolate prepared by Pam (you can see the bar with the mix-ins up there behind us). Some examples of her concoctions:


Shot of Goldschlager

Pinch of chili powder


Last night I went to one of the strangest parties I’ve ever been to. It was also one of the most fun. A few guests (myself included) were assigned to be “team captains,” and we were told to invite another guest (my guest, obviously, was Kendrick) and choose a team theme/costume. Ours was Christmas Caesars (or, as Kendrick dubbed us, Yuletitus Andronicus), mostly because I thought a toga sounded like a pretty easy costume and I’ve never worn one before.

For a first-time toga-er, I did a fairly good rigging job, no? In retrospect, though, I would have made my life easier had I gone to (yes, that site exists), which describes basic methods.

(By the way, Lucy down there is wearing one of Aunt Julia’s gifts! Too cute.)


Me vamping it up outside the thrift store in Hernando where I picked up a new pair of shades (50 cents) and a 1963 home decor book titled “The Merriment of Christmas” ($1).

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