Posts Tagged: Allure Insiders

Makeup & Beauty

DIY Pumpkin Pedicure

Happy Halloween! Here's a suggestion for what to do with that extra pumpkin you picked up at the patch (or that canned pumpkin puree sitting in your cupboard).

P.S. Skip ahead to the end for some of my favorite bloopers ever, starring Kendrick's acting skills.

Makeup & Beauty

Black French Manicure For Halloween

Ooh, I love this look. It's basically a mashup between a black manicure and a traditional French manicure, and works with pretty much any costume…but is still elegant enough to go to the office on Monday morning.

(Click here for lots more of my Allure segments, including how to make your red lipstick last, how to make your summer tan stick around, and tips for looking wide-awake when you feel anything but.)

Makeup & Beauty

Jordan’s Magical Concealer Spots

What are "magical concealer spots," you ask? Tiny little areas of your face that you would probably never think to put concealer on…but that immediately make you look infinitely more wide-awake.

It's magic. (Hence the wand I'm waving around in this video.)

(Click here for lots more of my Allure segments, including how to make your own beach hair spray, how to make your summer tan stick around, and bloopers aplenty.)

Makeup & Beauty

How To Make Your Summer Glow Stick Around

I came back from California with a better tan than I've had in…years, actually. So I'd really like it to stick around for as long as possible.

In this week's Allure Insiders segment, how to make your summer glow last and last (and last).

(Click here for lots more of my Allure segments, including how to make your own beach hair spray, quick and easy ways to look rested, and bloopers aplenty.)

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