

See that gorgeous pie up there? Kendrick made that!! And the man cannot scramble an egg, which is why this recipe is so incredible: it is quick, easy, and I swear, you will have to restrain yourself from eating the entire thing in one sitting. I cannot leave Kendrick alone with this for five minutes.


What you need:

1 graham cracker pie crust 


Remember how I said Mom, Dad and I each had our one “special” ornament? Well, Sears sent over these two as a thank-you for attending their event a few weeks ago, and Kendrick immediately pounced on the one on the right. I love the one on the left, so…marital bliss: intact.


I’m not sure that I’m on board with this idea, but I thought I’d bring it to your attention anyway, as it’s quite cute. 

Bronner’ suggests incorporating your artificial tree into your year-round decor in the following ways: 

Valentine’s Tree (above): Red heart-shaped lights (or miniature red or white lights), heart garlands, silk roses, baby’s breath, heart-shaped ornaments, cherubs, red and white ribbons.

St. Patrick’s Tree: Green shamrock garlands or ribbons, shamrock ornaments, shamrock-shaped lights (or green miniature lights), leprechauns, Irish ornaments.


Sigh. So lovely.

Some Christmas tree decorating tips:

1. If using a live tree, check water level frequently.

2. To prolong the life of a live tree, mix 1 quart water with 1/2 cup corn syrup and 1 tsp liquid bleach. 


One of my favorite Kmart ornaments, the Jaclyn Smith Traditions Glitter Poinsettia. I dotted the tree with these in gold, silver and burgundy, and they picked up the light beautifully. 

These ornaments have little clips on the backs, which is fantastic if, like us, you routinely forget to pick up a box of little wire ornament-hangers prior to beginning the decorating process.

Kmart products generously provided by retailer. 

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