

Objects Of Affection (And Car Obsession)

My son is obsessed with cars. And I don't use the word "obsessed" here lightly: over the past two months, each and every trip to CVS has resulted in the purchase of one of the items that you see above (have to say, though, I'm rather proud of his classic tastes when it comes to vehicle selection; above please note two Mustangs, a Bug and a Lamborghini).

When sitting at an outdoor restaurant, this is how the conversation goes, always:

<Frantic pointing>

Me: That's a car. That's a truck. Car. Van. Car. Car. Car. Big red car. Bus. Truck."


Weekend Snapshots

Our friend Matt is visiting from Ohio this weekend, so we spent a couple of days alternating between hanging out in the backyard and doing Best Of Our Town tours. Farmer's Markets to pick up stuff for dinner, nature walks by the lake, waterfalls, cobblestones...that kind of thing.


Our Wedding (In Three Minutes)

I've been meaning to share this (obviously rather old) video for awhile now - and was reminded of it last weekend, when Kendrick's college friends sang at a wedding that we attended. I just love these guys, and think it's so cool that they always perform at big events in each others' lives; the moment when they sang at our ceremony (at around 1:32 in the video) was one of the best moments of my life.

We didn't have an actual videographer - this video was taken by a family friend on a point-and-shoot camera - but I love it even more because it's not polished and perfect; it's just exactly how it was. (There's a longer version as well, but I thought I'd post something a little more bite-sized.)

Happy Friday; hope you have a lovely weekend!


Weekend Snapshots

See that?

That is a happy and relaxed person, right there.

I've never been to Cape Cod before in my life (we stayed in Chatham, where our friends Colin and Leslie's wedding was held) but by Sunday morning I was sort of casually browsing the real estate section and fantasizing about living in a weathered shingle house with a big, white Nora Ephron movie-esque porch, spending my afternoons drinking Arnold Palmers and eating steamed clams.

Or something.

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