

Daily InstaGlam

Headed to Philly for a meeting with my editor (first time in the city in about nine years!).

Wearing: Sunday Somewhere Yetti sunnies / the most spectacular Samantha Wills earrings everrr / Cardigan snagged from the wardrobe for this week's Snuggle shoot / Deux Lux backpack / Gold heels (of course).

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Marshmallow Pies And Pastels

Exhibit 54,736,839 in Why One Should Not Go To The Grocery Store While Hungry (Or Pregnant)

And lest you think "Oh, she just bought a marshmallow pie, big deal"? Nope. Bought a box. Yarrr. They taste like pillows wrapped in cardboard and I love them.

P.S. That's my Easter manicure, except it has nothing to do with Easter (I'm not really a festive-nail-colors type of girl) aside from the fact that it is pastel. Very into pale shades that are more "nude" than "pink" these days, and this one is kind of perfect. It's a gel color, alas, so I can't link you to the exact shade I used, but this is basically it; so pretty.

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