

Sick Day Soup

Kendrick spent the entirety of yesterday in bed with a fever, only emerging to sort of halfheartedly watch Arnold Schwarzenegger films (totally loving the new James Cameron category on Movies On Demand) and force down some of the super-simple soup that I make whenever anyone, anywhere is sick. If you are similarly afflicted, it will cure you. I promise.

What you need:

1 chicken breast, cut into small pieces (optional)

Olive oil (optional; you only need it if you're using chicken)


Essex Brunch

Saturday started with brunch a deux at one of my favorite spots, Essex, on the LES. It's definitely a scene - and one of the louder places I've ever been in my life (very odd acoustics in that place) - but you can't beat $18 for a fantastic meal plus three (!) Bloody Marys or mimosas.

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