

In The Land Of Fairies

little girl fairytale party

Isn't this photo a dream?!

My friend Elise (the owner of the children's boutique where we threw the glam | camp launch event on Saturday) held a birthday party for her 6-year-old daughter this weekend, and it was so gorgeously done I had to ask her if I could take a few shots to show you. I love this whole setup for a little girl's party, of course, but with a few little tweaks it would also make for a beautiful bridal or baby shower.



California Girl

Banner by Maypole NYC | Decorations from TomKat 

Tulle Party Dress from Stripes Boutique

When I was in New York for just one night last week, I ran out to have a half-hour dinner with my mom, and ended up crying. For literally no reason. We were eating gnocchi and talking about the decorations for Goldie's upcoming birthday party, and all of a sudden -> tears. It was super hormonal-y, and totally reminded me of the post-birth mood swings, and I couldn't figure out what was going on for a second, until I realized.


Watermelon-Mint Tequila Granita

Yeah, that's what I thought you said.

You know how every single day is some National Holiday or another - National Tourism Day; National Oyster Day; National Candied Orange Peel Day (this actually exists; it's May 4th)? Well, Monday was National Watermelon Day. I know this because I'm on Instagram, and everyone was posting pictures of watermelons, and I couldn't figure out why, and then I realized: oh.

National Watermelon Day.


Celebrating, Family-Style

Look. At these. Munchkins.

Over the past few months I've been documenting my family travel resolutions with Alamo, and for my final post as one of the company's ambassadors we decided to throw a party to celebrate a year that's certainly seen its share of travel - and not "just" travel, but travel that's actively brought our family together, exposing us to places, people and experiences that we'll carry with us forever.

Way back in March I wrote about my resolution to travel consciously, to make sure my kids feel not like they're just "along for the ride," but are an actual part of the process. I wrote about creating a travel journal for our family - a travel journal that I started on our house-hunting trip to San Jose, and that we ended up taking with us across the entire country, filling with jotted-down memories and pasted-in whatevers - and how I hoped that it would remind us that travel isn't just a way to get from one place to another.


Party In The Sun

Back when I lived in Los Angeles, I entertained constantly. And then, somewhere along the way, I stopped being all that interested in hosting parties; it was just so stressful. And then I moved out to the Bay Area and realized:

Oh. I totally love entertaining. I just need it to be all chilled-out and California-style.

The thing about summertime outdoor entertaining is that it’s just so simple, if you let it be. All you have to do is keep your refrigerator stocked with a few key items – fresh fruit, potatoes, hamburger meat, chips and salsa, and a cold bottle or three of Pinot Grigio - and you're good.

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