Makeup Play


Your Favorite New DIY Scalp Mask

I was extremely not into the concept of rubbing oils into my scalp. I mean, wouldn't that make it...oily? I had visions of that time in high school when I tried one of those olive oil/mayonnaise hair masks (mmhmm, sure did) and suffered the consequences for a cool week.

This scalp treatment - which promotes scalp health and hair growth, and also leaves your hair feeling like angel wings - is a whoooole different beast, and you have to try it. My hair has never, ever, ever been this soft (and said softness has been commented on by three separate people who had no very good reason to lie to me, so: corroborated).

Makeup & Beauty

Reader Question: The Perfect Shade Of Pink

the best pinky nude lipsticks for all skin tones

I have been on a lifelong hunt for the perfect pinky-nude* lipstick: one that's natural-looking but still makes you look all polished and put-together, and also completely non-gloppy and non-sticky, because I enjoy my lipstick on my lips, not on my hair. AND I HAVE FOUND IT. (I have found several, in fact.)


3-Minute Rainbow Unicorn Makeup

About thirty seconds before guests arrived for our party last weekend, I remembered that I had been planning to dress up. And instead of throwing on a pair of cat ears...I did this. (And then did it again, and again, and again, because all of the kids - and half of the adults - who came wanted me to do it to them, too.)

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