

Salary Expectations

Reader liz_in_hr has honed the perfect statement to put in a cover letter that asks you to state your salary requirements:

"Per your request, I have calculated my salary requirements for the position of XXXX. Based on my research for regional salary standards for this position, as well as my work experience and education, I have determined that my salary requirement is between the annual range of $XX,000 and $XX,000. This figure is negotiable based on the requirements of the job and the company’s benefits package."

I do research on and other sites (i.e. industry professional job boards, such as pmi, shrm, iiba, etc.) and find what the salary range is for the job I'm looking for, and then take into account how much money I want to make. Generally you should expect to make 10-15% more than what you're making NOW when you move into the next role up."

Reader Jessica offers this advice:

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