

When Nothing (But Everything) Is Wrong

Q. Hi Jordan,

I started reading your blog earlier this year and I love it. I just needed to ask you something. I've read your posts about your love life, past and present, and I've been reading and re-reading this post [about being "certain" in a relationship]. I relate to this reader so much...and I do have one question: How do you break up with someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong to you, but you just know you're not supposed to be together?

I have been with someone for almost a year now and everything is fine. Just fine. But that's all. I have always, always had this nagging feeling that I am going to wake up engaged, and I'm scared because I have no reason to reject a perfectly nice proposal. My boyfriend has never treated me poorly, we rarely fight, he loves me so much...but I am just lacking something, and I feel like I need to end this sooner rather than later because I know in my heart that this is not the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Have you ever been the breaker and not the break-ee when it comes to ending a relationship? I honestly know what I need to do...I just don't know how to do it. Do you have any words of advice from experience of your own?


Wild Nights And Where I Went

The fact that I got all pearls-clutch-y "oh, my...but that's so late!" about this photo is nuts, when I consider what I was up to just a few years ago. Closing down bars, dancing on tables, seeing sunrises...none of these things were unusual on a Tuesday.

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