Makeup & Beauty

Futureproofing: My (Perhaps Surprising) New Skincare Routine

Summer activities are just some of the many things that can dry out your skin.

You probably know this by now, but skincare is a big deal to me. My skin has always been sensitive and dry and a little problematic, and as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized more and more how vital it is to not only “treat” my skin, but to actively futureproof it, using products that help prevent problems before they start.

Except there’s one part of my skin I’ve never thought about all that much. You probably haven’t either. I mean, who worries about the skin on their scalp, when it’s all covered by hair, and therefore invisible-ish and such? I certainly never worried about it…until I did. A few months ago, I developed dandruff (like, bad dandruff) for the first time in my life, and it was a seeeeriously unpleasant experience. So after a couple of weeks I decided that nope, this was not acceptable in the slightest, and brought in the official scalpskin experts, Head & Shoulders. I used their products, and loved their products, and later ended up partnering with them – so now I’m going to tell you why I think you should use their products not only for dandruff control, but also for skincare. 

Backing up for a sec: why did I all of a sudden get dandruff? Considering the fact that dandruff can be caused by  skin sensitivity, environmental irritants, stress, and various other factors, I’m going to go for All Of The Reasons. 

So on my hairdresser’s advice (sorry, I mean “order”), I went out and bought some Head & Shoulders (specifically the Smooth & Silky Shampoo and Conditioner pictured here, which moisturizes, rejuvenates, detoxifies, and restores balance to the scalp, thereby creating a healthier foundation for hair to grow). I have to tell you: I was kind of like, mmmhmmm, I’m suuuuure this disaster on my scalp is going to be fixed by some shampoo and conditioner. 

head and shoulders smooth and silky shampoo conditioner

Whatever your preconceptions about Head & Shoulders may be, I had them, too (it’s for guys; it’ll dry out your hair; it’s only for people who  currently  have dandruff, etc.) – but what happened was that my dandruff went away. In about a week, the skin on my scalp wasn’t just “back to normal,” but was actually healthier than what I’ve grown accustomed to. And healthy scalp = healthy environment  to grow healthy hair. And gorgeous, healthy hair is kiiiiiinda the point, no? 

FUN FACT: Head & Shoulders Smooth & Silky Shampoo and Conditioner recently became the very first hair care products to win a skin (as opposed to hair) award from Cosmopolitan. 

After my scalp calmed down, I stopped using Head & Shoulders every day, just because I enjoy playing around with different products, but  continue to use it a few times a week as a way of futureproofing my scalp against further damage. Because even though it’s easy to forget…your scalp is skin, and ages just like the skin on your face. And – especially as you get older – it needs to be cared for just like you care for the skin on the other parts of your body: with an eye towards not just damage control, but prevention.

This post was created in partnership with Head & Shoulders. Thank you for supporting the brands that keep RG ticking! 

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