
Bloody Slugs

“Would you like a bloody slug?”

Come on, how cute are these guys?! I’m aware that the name “Bloody Slug” is mildly unappetizing, but let me assure you: these are suuuuuper delicious and will be consumed within seconds by the children in attendance – so if you want one, trust me and move quickly. (And yeah, they’re essentially sugar bombs, but whatever, Halloween is like a Defcon 1 high-fructose disaster anyway. Might as well not fight it.)

So what these are, essentially, are cake pops made with extra frosting so that they sort of collapse on themselves and don’t hold on to the exterior coating as well (thereby letting the color of the cake show through). And when the color that’s showing through is red and the overall effect is that of a melty, ghost-ish, vaguely slug-like creature, there you go:

Bloody Slugs.

how to decorate cake pops for halloween


What You Need:

  • 1 box white cake mix
  • Red food coloring
  • 1/2 cup white frosting
  • 1 package white chocolate chips
  • Candy eyes

What You Do:

  1. Bake the cake according to package directions, adding 15-20 drops of food coloring (or as much as you need to make it your desired shade of red). Let cool, and then use your hands to crumble it up.
  2. Again using your hands, incorporate the frosting into the cake crumbs.
  3. Using your hands or a mini ice cream scoop, form the cake into balls. (Since you’re using what technically amounts to “too much” frosting, they won’t hold together as well as they would with regular cake balls. That’s okay.)
  4. Melt 1 cup of the white chocolate chips in the microwave in 30-second increments, stirring in between, until evenly melted. Roll around a ball in the melted chocolate (remember: the coverage will be uneven; that’s what you want), then set on a wax paper-lined cookie tray. Repeat, melting more white chocolate chips as necessary.
  5. Add candy eyes to each of your little creatures, and set them in the refrigerator to harden.
  6. Enjoy your guests’ facial expressions upon being asked if they would like to consume a bloody slug.

cute but creepy bite-size halloween dessert for kids fun halloween dessert ideas for kids parties

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