
Just One Thing

NYC | Fall 2013

Stuart Weitzman Thigh-High Boots

OK, so I’m started to get excited about fall shopping. This makes no sense at all, because I am right this very minute sitting at my dining room table sweating off all my makeup and wishing air conditioning wasn’t so damn expensive. It also makes no sense because fall fashion is wayyyy less fun in California than it is on the East Coast, both because there’s something about multicolored leaves that make things like peacoats and boots more exciting to put on, and because I would look not-so-mildly ridiculous swanning up to kindergarten dropoff in most of the items I’ve been drooling over online. (Like these. Very lovely; very nonsensical in my life at this particular moment in time.)

There is one thing, however, that neatly made the leap from East Coast to West, from year to year to year, and it is these boots.

jordan reid in stuart weitzman 5050 boots in black nappa

Ugh, I love them. (That’s me en route to an apple picking trip a couple of years ago, which is not necessarily an activity that I recommend wearing your favorite boots for, but they actually emerged from the forest in totally fine shape.)

If you are going to make one purchase this fall, oh please let it be these boots; they are so good. There is an excellent lookalike version on the market for about a fifth of the price, but I still have to throw my hat in the ring for the originals: they’re phenomenally well-made, completely timeless (sure, they started being all over the place a couple of years ago, but they’ll never feel like a trend item), and make the most boring old jeans and t-shirt look super-chic. When I feel slobby and like I need a little style boost, I pull out these boots every single time.

Just saying. And if you’re a Stuart Weitzman fan but not necessarily an over-the-knee-boots-type person, just FYI they’re also doing a massive sale (up to 50% off). Some of my favorite picks:

The stuart weitzman nudist sandal on sale for 50% off

The Nudist is the most perfect simple-and-bare sandal ever – I’ve wanted a pair for years now. And for some reason this silver color – which is totally not summer-exclusive – is 50% off. Eeee.

The stacked sneaker from stuart weitzman

Is it weird that I want these? I totally want these. I think it has something to do with the fact that I spent the majority of my high school years listening to Gwen Stefani songs, but I can’t be certain.

high platform wedge in black suede from stuart weitzman

Um these are amazing. I cannot wear them, because my feet are a good thirty years older than I am and have decided they’re no longer cool with heels that size. Please wear them for me.

P.S. Just on the topic of Things That Are On Sale, apparently my much-beloved Kale sweatshirt comes in a t-shirt, and it’s twenty bucks and I love it.

P.P.S. OK fine, one more. Aaaah perfect fall turtleneck, ahhhh fifteen dollars.

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