My Looks

In The Real World

This is what I wear.


Jeans. The same pair, every single day (except for the days I pry them off of my legs to throw them in the wash).

Sneakers, lately. (This is so weird for me, as I am a girl who Does Not Do Sneakers, and is solely the byproduct of my discovery that white Converse go with virtually everything and are comfortable like a pillow. Also, I feel like short hair lets me be sportier, which I suppose makes sense.)

We took these photos on a Sunday morning at my parents’ place in the city, just before we headed out to brunch, and the outfit isn’t particularly special, but the moment was: I was relaxed and happy and hanging out with my dog, reading Perez Hilton on my iPad and getting hugs from my son while my dad listened to music and my daughter napped and my mom made coffee, and everything about it was simple and kind of wonderful.

Sometimes you just have to take it down a notch. Wear what feels comfortable and cozy and good, do what you want to do even if what you want to do is nothing at all, and let all the rest of it go.

tom ford glasses

living room

white converse sneakers

on the couch

white converse

On Me: Thrifted Wool Top (three bucks, from our Salvation Army trip; this cropped plaid top has a similar feel); Zara Jeans; Converse SneakersBrera Watch (borrowed from Dad); Tom Ford Glasses (on sale).

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