
Let’s Go Somewhere Warm & Sunny

Just for fun, because I’m fantasizing this morning: some favorite bathing suits and other pretty let’s-blow-this-popsicle-stand-and-head-somewhere-warm things.

P.S. Let me show you the best bathing suit in the world: this one (also available in black). I usually don’t spend a ton on bathing suits – I feel like you can often find ones that are just as cute in the $60 range (meaning Victoria’s Secret-level prices) – but this bathing suit? Is the best one in the world. It actually belongs to Morgan, who bought it in red (which, alas, no longer appears to exist online, though this one is similar) for her honeymoon; she showed it to me during her wedding weekend four years ago and I’ve been obsessed ever since, to the point where I feel like I should just buy the thing, because that’s what a four-year obsession usually means.

P.P.S. Speaking of Victoria’s Secret, look at this crop-top style. Love it love it. I personally require a strap on my tops, but if you don’t? Do it.

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