
I.N.C. Seattle Event (And What I’m Bringing With Me)

I think I was in Seattle once. I was very, very young, and all I remember is that it was cold and there were lots of people on bicycles. That’s basically it.

This time around, hopefully I’ll have a slightly more memorable experience.

On Saturday, I’ll be hosting a Macy’s I.N.C. event at the Alderwood Mall, and I’d love to meet any Seattle-based RG readers – there’s a fashion show that starts at 1, and directly afterwards Camila and I will be on hand to provide shopping tips. (More info here, and don’t worry about the “sales have ended” thing; the event is open to the public.)

But while I’m excited to see a little bit of Seattle, “a little bit” is all I’m going to get to see…because immediately after the show I’m hopping a flight to Los Angeles (hey, I’m already on the West Coast; why not?) to spend a couple of days with Francesca, Paige and Nadine before running back to my guys on Tuesday. I’m sleepy in advance (I suspect that I’m going to arrive back on the East Coast less-than-rested), but so excited.


A few of the things I’m bringing with me:


1. My go-to Panama hat, which I suspect will come in handy for rain-protection purposes in Seattle;

2. Neon rainbow skull bracelets (obviously);

3. A strapless red bikini (similar) for lounging poolside in L.A.;

4. A travel-friendly straightening iron (it’s compact and has a cap that protects against the heat);

5. My New Favorite Accessory, an ultra-glam gold Folli Follie watch;

6. Leather shorts and a leopard shell (hey, it’s Hollywood);

7. A BB cream with SPF to protect against the rays;

8. My mom’s hand-me-down (!) Longchamp zip-around wallet;

9. And a sleek pair of grey Escada pumps, to keep things (a little) classy.

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