My Looks

Maxed Out

It’s so hot these days.

It has been all summer, actually. I don’t know what’s going on on the East Coast lately, but honestly: it feels like living in the tropics, what with the constant thunderstorms (the rain deposited another huge branch in our yard last night), ten thousand percent humidity and general mugginess.

It’s the kind of hot that makes me give up. There’s no point in wearing makeup; it slides right off. There’s no point in blow-drying my hair; my bangs do the weird thing that they do within seconds, and the only solution is to tuck them away. There’s no point in getting dressed; having anything but air conditioned air on my skin feels miserable.

Except…although nudity may be de rigueur in some towns, it might make my neighbors think I’m weird, and we already have enough of that.

Solution: wear the closest thing I can to nothing at all.

I know: this looks like quite a lot of fabric. But it’s deceptive: I cut out the slip out of this maxi (it was less than $20, so I didn’t worry too much about taking a pair of scissors to it), and that simple fix transformed it into a perfect cover-up for a post-beach stroll into town.

On me: Forever 21 maxi dress; Huit Ipanema bathing suit; Kenneth Jay Lane necklace; Kendrick’s RayBans; Clinique Almost Lipstick in Luscious Honey.

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