Makeup & Beauty

How To Fall Back In Love With Your Hair

I’ll be honest: I haven’t always been crazy about my hair. It’s a kind of tricky mix of straight and wavy, has on occasion (the Los Angeles Years) been subjected to so much bleaching that it turned straw-like on the ends, and morphs into an actual lion’s mane the second it comes into contact with even a whisper of humidity. From time to time in the past, I even resorted to fairly extreme measures (including extremely ill-advised clip-on hair extensions and chemical straightening treatments) to try and wrest it into submission.

For years and years, whether or not my hair was healthy wasn’t a topic I gave a ton of thought to. I honestly didn’t think it really mattered; I figured my hair was my hair, and it wasn’t ever going to be anything other than “eh”, and that was that. It was only about a year ago that I started realizing that how my hair feels (and looks) is completely within my control – I just needed to start caring for it, and treating it like what it was: a part of my body. I made a few changes to my routine – using gentle products tailored to my hair type, minimizing heat styling, and generally working with (rather than against) my hair’s natural texture – and my hair started transforming from something that I fought with into something that I embrace…and actually kind of love.

I just cut off about five inches – spring felt like a good time to start from scratch – and my hair feels healthier and lighter now than it has in ages. As a great bonus, it’s worlds easier to style: I took the picture above immediately after using Dove’s Daily Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner* and spending a few minutes in the company of a 1” barrel curling iron – no additional products needed at all. It turns out that it’s true: healthy-looking hair is beautiful hair, period.

On July 24, join me and the Dove team to talk ways to fall back in love with your hair. Follow along with @ramshackleglam and @Dove using hashtag #HairLove101.

As Dove’s Hair Brand Ambassador, all products referenced in this post were provided by Dove.

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