
Get Thee To A Fitting

Did you know that something like 80-85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra (according to Wikipedia, anyway)?

That’s crazy.

And also completely understandable, given that it’s next to impossible to figure out what size you are without a for-real professional fitting (for me, anyway).

I’ve gone for a professional fitting before, but the thing about pregnancy is that there are some (major) ups and (equally major) downs, and after everything has settled down – so to speak – what you end up with is a drawer full of bras in four or five different sizes with no idea in the world which one you should actually be wearing. Seriously, I own everything from Bs straight through to Es (from my post-partum days), and while I obviously can tell which ones totally don’t fit…there are a whole bunch that, you know…kinda do.

But not really.

But I wear them anyway.


(How pretty is this?!)

Last night I got a fitting at a Wacoal event, and: oops. The bra I had been wearing as my go-to (one of the few that I was fairly positive actually fit me) was off by…well, a lot. Like, a really lot.

Honestly, give a professional fitting a try: wearing the right size does wonders in terms of how you feel, how your clothing fits, your posture – everything. I know, it doesn’t seem like it’d be that big of a deal, but trust me on this: it really makes a difference.

P.S. I tried on this t-shirt contour bra, and it is awesome and comfortable and highly recommended.

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