
New Year’s Breakfast Ideas (a.k.a Hangover Helpers)

What I’ve got on tap for this evening’s dinner, to be eaten while watching the Watching Dead marathon (whee; thank you, AMC): Slow-Cooked BBQ Pork.

And I’m just saying: even if you’ve got big plans for tonight, a boneless pork tenderloin and some soda would be a really smart thing to stick in your slow-cooker before heading out for the evening. It takes about thirty seconds, and when you get home all hungry and champagne-soaked you’ll thank me, because it makes for even more delicious late-night fare than McDonald’s (and that’s saying something, because McDonald’s is delicious).

And besides, even if you don’t get around to eating it tonight…

Oh my god, is it ever good first thing in the morning all hashed up with potatoes, eggs and avocado.

Avocado & Eggs

Oeufs en Cocotte

California Scramble

Pumpkin-Banana-Nutella Pancakes

Now get thee to the grocery store…and quickly, because I was just there, and talk about your zombie apocalypses. Apparently a national holiday creates a day-before panic for things like Beefaroni, pickles, and Windex.

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