
Thanks For The Run, Internet

Server down = time for a run in the woods.

You may have noticed that RG was down for a good six or so hours yesterday. I certainly noticed, because I had taken the afternoon off from popping back and forth to the city with the goal of getting a bazillion things done…only to discover that not only had a hacker taken down RG along with thousands (millions?) of others hosted by GoDaddy…but that apparently all associated email systems were down, as well.

Oh, and then our Internet broke. All of it.

So I gave up and went for a “run” (in quotation marks because Virgil came along, turning the experience into something more akin to a “drag”), which was kind of wonderful considering the fact that a) I haven’t broken a sweat intentionally in a solid eleven months, b) the whole endorphin thing is really pretty nice, especially when your website (and, apparently, the entire global information highway) breaks, causing you a not-inconsiderable amount of stress, and c) the weather yesterday was perfect.

Best time of the year, this.

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