
This Weekend…

We did some fun stuff, sure (including things like Funfetti cupcakes and Sunday night BBQs), but because the next few weekends are pretty busy for us (weddings, travel, etc) the bulk of it was taken up with stuff we really had to get done…which ended up being the most fun stuff of all.

Like the drugstore trip to pick up all the pre-baby necessities (things like paper plates and cups so we don’t have to worry about dishes for the first week or so, baby powder, outlet covers, and wipes). And everyone was just so…nice. I grew up in New York City, and let me tell you: big smiles and “Congratulations!” from total strangers everywhere you go is not the norm. It’s lovely.

Sunday we spent at an 8-hour Prepared Childbirth class (that’s us around 8:30AM, hence the tired eyes; Part II is next weekend), which I was sort of anticipating being similar to a neverending 7th-grade health class (“…and this is the cervix!”), but ended up being completely wonderful. Not that it was earth-shattering information, exactly, but there was definitely a lot of stuff we didn’t know, it was great to have the stuff we already kinda knew laid out so clearly, and the breathing exercises? Fabulous. I know I’m “supposed” to be nervous about labor, but at this point I’m really just excited about the whole experience of it. Maybe the nerves will pop up later?

Have to say, though, watching eight pregnant women (a couple of whom looked like they were ready to give birth right then and there) try to sit still in a classroom for eight hours was…interesting. Everyone started out in their proper seats, with paper and pen at the ready, but by hour six we were splayed on the floor, rolling around on birthing balls (those big bouncy balls you see in gyms), and fanning ourselves madly with whatever came to hand (while the single fan in the corner that provided a very exciting wisp of air every ten seconds or so certainly kept us on our toes, an A/C would have been appreciated). And the husbands/partners/coaches, of course: “What heat? Is it hot in here?”


It is hot in here.

Rub my back.

We all went home with a book, which again was filled with fantastic information…but most fantastic of all, in my opinion, was this: in chapter five (Labor Guide), section five (Pushing and Delivery, Second Stage), sub-section one (Mother’s Feelings and Reactions), there is this tiiiiiiny little bullet point that says “The hardest physical work you will ever do.” And where is it located? Right on top of equally tiny little bullet point “Either loves or hates labor partner.” No elaboration, no explanation…just the facts, folks.

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