
Spot Dessert Bar / Yuletide Log Shoot

On Wednesday afternoon I swung by the rustic, adorable Spot Dessert Bar, on St. Mark’s Place, to film a segment in which celebrity chef Pichet Ong (of P*ONG and The Bubble Lounge) taught me how to make a Yuletide Log. I think I made one once before, when I was twelve or so. This one turned out better.

I’m not really a sweets person, and certainly not a cupcake person…but the cupcakes at Spot are intensely good. I had the Vanilla Yuzu Lemon (above, 2nd from bottom), which has a delicious touch of crunch and a creamy, lemony center, and Aunt Trudy (who came to keep me company) had the Mocha Maldon Salt Caramel (in the foreground above).

Yuletide Log video and recipe to come!

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