Play Launch / The Standard

I was quite proud of last night’s outfit, given that it was raining and I wanted nothing more than to not even get dressed: I found an ancient silk blouse-type thing from BCBG in the back of my bureau, and wore it with a David Lerner tank and a vintage black-and-gold purse. I love re-discovering old items that I haven’t worn in years – it’s like shopping for free.

After a couple of hours spent helping Morgan put together wedding programs – she’s getting married in three weeks! – we headed downtown to a party at The Standard for Topguest, a new platform that lets you earn “loyalty points” for checking in using various geolocation devices (e.g. Foursquare, Twitter, Yelp, Google Latitude). Basically, what you do is open an account on Topguest, sync up whatever geolocation devices you’re currently using, and then choose the rewards program to which you’d like to credit your points. Neat.

Speaking of neat: whoa, is The Standard’s new rooftop pool area (which, at least last night, came complete with two synchronized swimmer-types) ever amazing.

Left, a (very mini, because I don’t have a Patrick McMullan account) shot of Morgan, Liz and me. (More pics of the space coming; I tried to take a few, and apparently pools don’t gel particularly well with flashes. Getting some images from reps.)

Poolside, I ran into UrbanDaddy’s Justin, which always makes me happy, and – nice surprise – a bunch of old college friends. I also drank two (bad idea) rather potent cocktails called “Bees Knees” (gin, a touch of honey syrup, and a touch of lemon syrup).

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