
Thursday Night / Fancy Fast Food Party

Last night I was happily eating a bowl of Kraft macaroni ‘n’ cheese in my PJs like a good (boring?) little girl when I got a call from Michael Malice instructing me to make my way downtown for a party at the Four Seasons. He’s a pretty tough guy to say no to, so an hour later I was perched on a bar stool with Michael and Lilit (whose fantastic first book, Save the Assistantsbased on the popular website – I am currently in the middle of reading and will talk about more in days to come).

I was super excited to meet the party’s host, Erik Trinidad, who founded a website that I totally love: Fancy Fast Food.

See that? That would be a “Honey Apple Glazed Christmas Holiday Ham(-burger)” constructed from 8 Burger King Quad Stackers, 1 Burger King Kids’ Meal, and 3 Dutch Apple pies…among other things.

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