
Valerie’s Cheesesteaks

Like I said, the original plan was to end our trip with some Philly cheesesteaks (we were going to hit up either Pat’s or Gino’s, because…well, why not go straight to the cheez-whizzed source?), but our plans changed dramatically when we stopped into Valerie’s Bar & Grill in Dover, Delaware to find a snack to tide us over for a bit.

Within moments of stepping through the door, I learn that the bartender/waitress likes a “hard spankin’,” that the teenager smoking out front is apparently the chef, and that we will be able to find the best cheesesteaks around on this very spot.

I ask Melissa (by now we are on a first-name basis) how she likes her cheesesteaks. No hesitation: “Mushrooms fried onions mayo ketchup.” Sounds great, I say, but how are you supposed to eat them?

Hard stare from Melissa. (She does not think I am cute.)

“Just like I said to.”

OK. Mushrooms fried onions mayo ketchup it is.

We order…and they are good. Really freaking good. Kendrick and I split a medium for $7.99 (you don’t even want to know about the “huge”), wash it down with 99-cent Budweisers, and love every second.

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