
My life is better for having discovered It’s Its (a “San Francisco Legend). Basically just different flavors of velvety ice cream sandwiched between perfectly chewy oatmeal cookies and covered with a thin layer of chocolate, these things (which I found both at a deli near Meghan’s and in the Facebook cafeteria) take ice cream sandwiches to a whole other level. I tried Cappuccino, but Meghan and Randi tell me that Mint is to-die-for.

To make your own version, just sandwich some slightly softened ice cream (I think Starbucks Java Chip would be particularly delicious)  between two oatmeal cookies, cover in foil, and freeze for at least six hours.

You can also go here to learn how to find a retailer near you, or go here to get them FedExed straight to your home (a good idea, I promise).

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