
One of my favorite things about this week is that it’s sponsored by Mercedes-Benz, so you get to take Benzes around to lots of the events (yay!). This is me on my way to Robert Verdi’s Luxe Lab (again) to hang with Megan, who I haven’t seen in awhile, and get a little work done. Little “lounges”  like Robert Verdi’s spring up all over the city during Fashion Week as sort of home bases for bloggers, publicists and the like (midtown isn’t too rife with hangout-friendly places, and going home between shows isn’t a possibility for an UES-er like me): for example, Starbucks and AOL both have “blogger lounges” in the tents, and there’s a lounge in the Bryant Park Hotel (where I went to the Hautelook event).

Aren’t those sunglasses kind of awesome? I bought them on the street last summer for $5.

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