
CandyDirect "Vintage" Candy

Link: CandyDirect “Vintage” Candy

This site is a must-see for anyone with fond memories of a discontinued or vintage confection. Black Jack Gum, Zagnut, Peanut Chews, Cup O’ Golds…they’re all there. You can search by everything from candy type to color to shape, and you can make customized gifts or purchase in bulk (perfect for wedding favors!).

My favorite nostalgic confection isn’t a candy…it’s actually a pastry, and I am totally desperate to hunt one down. When I was a little girl, I used to go to the corner store for single-serving chocolate pudding pies: not-too-sweet chocolate pudding in a glazed pastry shell (I think it may have been cream-colored), packaged in wax paper. I don’t think it was Hostess brand, because I’ve tried those since and they aren’t nearly as good…or maybe Hostess just messed with the recipe?

Anyone know what I’m talking about? Also…what’s your favorite nostalgic candy?

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