

That’s Parisa’s arm

After dinner and some bachelorette games at Morgan’s, we headed over to Iggy’s Karaoke Lounge and Grill for some karaoke, and things got…interesting. Let’s just call the other pictures I took from this portion of our night “unusable.”

I LOVED Iggy’s, though. LOVED. The DJs, Big City Karaoke, were fab (and very nice and accommodating of Parisa’s need to sing “Like A Virgin,” like, immediately), and the bartenders were super-sweet (especially Anna, who bought me a tequila shot – which you can imagine how much I needed at that point in the night). Oh, and I’m supposed to mention that Danny is in need of a raise (that one’s for you, Iggy).

The next morning, the very first thing I said upon opening my eyes: “Oh my god. Last night I sang ‘Shoop’ in front of 200 people.” Whoops. When I mix tequila and karaoke, it’s best to keep me on a leash.

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