
After meeting Kendrick for a quick coffee at SubtleTea, I popped into the Gap for a little window shopping. Immediately upon entering, I spotted a mannequin adorned in a thin, off-the-shoulder GapBody sweatshirt (pant), and window shopping turned into impulse buying. Always fun.

I love love love perfect-fitting loungewear, and even think that this sweatshirt could go out with me at night if accompanied by tight jeans and tons and tons of jewelry. I’m also looking forward to wearing it with brightly colored shorts and strappy leather wedges this summer (come quickly!).

(I’m a believer in “if-you-find-the-perfect-item-buy-it-in-millions-of-colors,” and very much wanted this in dove gray, pale yellow, and light brown, as well, but alas: I was being semi-responsible. I also very much felt that the gray suede fringe hobo pictured above – only $150! – should be mine, but again: restraint.)

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