
Starting next Friday, Morgan and I are co-hosting a weekend-long bachelorette extravaganza for Parisa (that’s a shot of me and Parisa at my bachelorette party).

At my bachelorette, games included a scavenger hunt (I gave the waiter at Tortilla Flats a zerbit), a “how well do the bride and groom know each other” game that involved me giving answers to questions they had asked Kendrick previously (we didn’t do particularly well with that one, being as we had only known each other for about eight months at the time), and a tall boy-chugging contest (I won, and am VERY proud of that moment).

So: let’s talk bachelorette party games. What are some of your faves? Extra points if they’re DIY and dirty.

(Also, go here to watch Parisa teach you how to make some truly incredible tzatziki.)

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