
Shower curtains are arguably the strongest feature of your bathroom…so make sure you choose one you really like! I have a blue Martha Stewart shower curtain, but it has some staining around the bottom, so I’m thinking of replacing it soon. Our bathroom is quite literally the smallest one I’ve ever seen (you have to leave the door open to have space to towel off), so we can’t use anything too dark – Stephen and Dave (who have an identical bathroom downstairs) have a clear curtain, which helps to open up the room. 

Even if you don’t need a new shower curtain, it’s a fun, easy way to switch up your decor. Some curtains that I love: 

Tuuli shower curtain from Marimekko

Bustled shower curtain from Anthropologie

Italian Hotel Satin Stitch shower curtain from Restoration Hardware

Kaiku shower curtain from Marimekko (above)

And for kids (or whoever!), this Metamorphosis shower curtain is pretty cool. 

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