
Last year, my friend Paige and her boyfriend spent New Year’s Eve cooking up some live lobsters, and if Kendrick and I do decide to stay in this year I might explore these as-yet-untested waters. Paige made the dire mistake of playing with her lobsters first, but since I am semi-terrified of the things, I think I can avoid that little problem. However, the idea of slaying a living thing still creates some issues for me. I think I’ll take care of the lobster-purchasing and side-dish making, and let Kendrick be the one with murder on his conscience.

My very intensive research (thanks, Google!) tells me that Lobster Farm is the place to go. I still need a pot, though…because mine is on the smaller side, and the last thing I want is to be unable to replace the lid on the pot and have to watch the unfortunate creatures being sent to their doom. 

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