
The last movie I acted in (as Jordan Reid Berkow) prior to what you might call my “exit” from the industry. The Vicious Kind was directed by Lee Toland Krieger and executive produced by Neil LaBute, and starred Brittany Snow (American Dreams and John Tucker Must Die), Adam Scott (Tell Me You Love Me), and JK Simmons (Spiderman and Juno). It premiered at Sundance, and apparently opened in Los Angeles on December 11th, although I’m just discovering this right now via Google. I play the relatively small role of the lead character’s ex-girlfriend – they go through a horrible break-up that inspires his resentment of women and subsequent obsession with Brittany Snow’s character.

I was incredibly excited when I landed the role a) because of the Neil LaBute connection, and b) because it was the first time in my life I had ever been offered something without having to audition (why, I have no idea, but I’ll take it). The shoot was extremely laid-back – it was shot in Norfolk, CT for a few weeks in the middle of winter, and for the duration of my shoot (about a week) I stayed in a big, gorgeous house that was kind of far away from the set, so I didn’t really get to know the cast very well, but Adam and Lee were both a dream to work with.

Anyone out there seen the movie? Thoughts? I guess I should check it out one of these days, but the whole face-on-screen thing kind of makes me squirm. Also, I couldn’t find anywhere that it’s playing in NYC.

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