
Sunday, in Central Park.


1. Light, powdery snow won’t pack well, so seek out snow from places that are slightly warmer (i.e. near a house), as warmer air ups the moisture content. In an emergency situation, lie down on the snow for a few minutes to warm it up with the heat from your body.

2. Go for snow a few inches below the surface, if possible; it’s already lightly packed together and thus more snowball-friendly.

3. Gloves are a better choice than mittens, because more heat escapes when you’re wearing gloves (and remember, heat = moisture = better snowball).

4. Now, technique: scoop up snow into your cupped hands, then slowly close them together and rotate the snow, applying increasing pressure in subsequent rotations. Be careful not to pack it too forcefully. 

5. Unleash your vengeance!

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