
The view looking down at the living room from Sharyn and Eddie’s bedroom (which is entirely open, accessed by a spiral staircase supported by a refinished tree trunk, and has a big cut-out in the middle that you can peer down into the living room from). That’s a mannequin that keeps watch over the place (there’s another half-mannequin in a vintage swimsuit down on the first floor, as well). See that stream of color running through the marble? They did that themselves with just some chisels, paint, epoxy, and glitter. I will explain.


What you need:




Assorted colors of glitter

What you do:

1. Trace the outline of the desired pattern onto the marble.

2. With a chisel, knock out the selected areas.

3. Fill the cut-out with epoxy nearly up to the top of the marble.

4. Once epoxy is dry, apply paint (off to the right, you can see an unfinished area where they applied brown paint. The paint color will affect how the glitter appears, so be sure to experiment on a test area first.)

5. Apply more epoxy, and then sprinkle glitter over area in desired pattern.

6. Once glitter is dry, top with more epoxy to create a laminate finish.

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