
Last night, Kendrick and I decorated our tree with help from our sleepy Christmas Elf (under the tree). We’ve only spent three Christmases together, and this is the first time we’ve had an apartment big enough for a grownup-sized tree, so we were pretty psyched. We’ve accumulated a mere five or six ornaments over the course of our relationship, so we stocked up on beautiful ornaments from Kmart and mixed them in with what we already owned, with (I think) lovely results.

We decided on a fake tree from Martha Stewart Everyday instead of a real one for a few reasons: 1) we live in a fourth-floor walkup, 2) it’s beautiful, and comes pre-lit, and 3) Lucy is a curious little thing, and I worry about her eating pine needles and drinking water with tree food in it (according to the ASPCA, this is dangerous for animals). 

Kmart products generously provided by retailer.

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